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This document forms part of websold.co.uk’s seller terms. You must read this contract carefully before you sign an agreement for us to sell your property at auction because it contains terms that will bind you once a bid is accepted. It is recommended that you should obtain legal advice before continuing to use our services, websold.co.uk’s website and instruct us to sell your property.

The auctioneer will only market a property for sale by auction on a sole selling rights basis, please read terms and conditions of this agreement. Should the property be marketed by another agent whilst this agreement is in force you may be liable to pay dual fees. It is the vendor’s responsibility to ensure that any existing agreements to market this property are cancelled. This agreement supersedes any previous agreement with the auctioneer.


1 The following terms apply to the sale following the acceptance of a bid at auction or pre- or post- auction (both for online auctions and in-room auctions). By signing this agreement, you agree to be bound by the following terms. We’ve included here the terms that impose obligations on you. To see all the terms that buyers are bound by, visit our website and click on buyer auction conditions /terms.

2 Financial charges - You must discharge financial charges over the property before completion of the sale

3 Notices etc. - The Lot is sold subject to the following: to avoid disputes, you must inform us of any:

(a) Matters registered or capable of being registered by any competent authority

(b) Matters registered or capable of registration as local land charges

(c) Notices, orders, demands, proposals and requirements of any competent authority

(d) Charges, notices, orders, restrictions, agreements and other matters relating to town and

country planning, highways or public health

(e) Rights, easements, quasi-easements, and wayleaves

(f) Outgoings and other liabilities; and

(g) Any interest which overrides under the Land Registration Act 2002

4 You must notify the Buyer of any notices, orders, demands, proposals, and requirements of any competent authority of which you learn after a bid is accepted and the buyer is required to comply with them and keep you indemnified.

5 Tenant’s and trade fixtures and fittings - The Lot won’t include any tenant’s or trade fixtures or fittings unless you specify in the special conditions that chattels are included. If chattels are included:

(a) The buyer takes them as they are at completion and you are not liable if they are not fit

for use, and (b) You must leave them at the Lot

6 Between contract and completion - You must insure the property in accordance with this agreement up to the point of sale. Once the contract of sale is signed, the buyer bears all risk of loss or damage to the property unless:

(a) The Lot is sold subject to a tenancy that requires you to insure the Lot or (b) The special conditions require you to insure the Lot

7 Title - The Buyer accepts your title to the Lot at the date of the contract of sale and cannot raise any requisition or objection to any of the documents made available before the auction. If the Lot is registered land you must give the buyer, within 5 business days of the contract date, an official copy of the entries on the register and title plan and, where noted on the register, all documents subject to which the Lot is being sold, unless you have already provided this prior to auction as part of the legal pack. If the Lot is not registered land you must give to the buyer, within 5 business days of the contract date, an abstract of the title starting from the root of title and produce the appropriate original documents. If title is in the course of registration, you must provide to the Buyer, within 5 business days, certified copies of the application for registration of title, evidence that all applicable Stamp Duty Land Tax relating to the application has been paid, and a letter under which you or your solicitor/conveyancer agrees to use all reasonable endeavours to answer any requisitions raised by the Land Registry and to instruct the Land Registry to send the completed registration documents to the Buyer.

8 Transfer - Unless a form of transfer is set out in the special conditions of sale, the Buyer must supply to you a draft transfer at least 10 business days before the agreed completion date and the engrossment (signed as a deed by the Buyer if necessary) 5 business days before that date or (if later) 2 business days after the draft has been approved by you, and you must approve or revise the draft transfer within 5 business days of receiving it.

9 New lease - Where the special conditions of sale state that you are to grant a new lease to the Buyer, you are to produce, at least 5 business days before the agreed completion date, the engrossed counterpart lease, which the Buyer is to sign and deliver to you on completion.

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10 Completion - Completion is to take place at the offices of your solicitor/conveyancer on the agreed completion date unless you and the Buyer agree otherwise.

11 Notice to complete - You or the Buyer may, on or after the agreed completion date, but before completion, give the other notice to complete within 10 business days making time of the essence. The person giving the notice must be ready, willing and able to complete. If the Buyer fails to comply with a notice to complete you may terminate the contract, claim the deposit and any interest on it, forfeit the Lot, and claim damages from the Buyer. If you fail to comply with a notice to complete the Buyer may terminate the contract and recover the deposit and any interest on it from you, or your solicitor/conveyancer.

12 Termination of the contract of sale - If the contract is brought to an end, the Buyer must return all documents to you and appoint you as its agent to cancel any registration of the contract and you must return the deposit and any interest on it to the Buyer (or the Buyer may claim it from the stakeholder) unless you are entitled to keep the deposit under the terms of this Agreement or the Buyer’s Terms.

13 Landlord licence - If your Lot includes leasehold land and licence to assign or sublet is required then the contract of sale is conditional on that licence being obtained. The agreed completion date is not to be earlier than 5 business days after you have given notice to the Buyer that the licence has been obtained. You must:

(a) Use all reasonable endeavours to obtain the licence at your expense; and

(b) Enter into any Authorised Guarantee Agreement properly required

14 Interest - If the actual completion date is after the agreed completion date for any reason other than your default, the Buyer must pay interest at 5% above the base rate of Bank of England on the money due for the period starting on the agreed completion date and ending on the actual completion date.

15 Apportionment - Income and outgoings are to be apportioned at the actual completion date unless the amount is not known at completion, in which case apportionment is to be made by reasonable estimate with a further payment being made by you or the Buyer as appropriate within 5 business days of the date when the amount is known.

16 Management - Where the Lot is sold subject to tenancies, you must manage the Lot in accordance with its standard management policies between Auction and completion. You must consult the Buyer on all management issues that would affect the Buyer after completion and comply with the Buyer’s reasonable requirements unless to do so would expose you to a liability that you would not otherwise have (in which case, you may act reasonably in such a way as to avoid that liability). If you give the


Buyer notice of your intended management act and they don’t respond in 5 business days, you can act as you intended.

17 Rent deposits - If there’s a relevant assured shorthold tenancy, you and the Buyer must comply with your respective legal duties in relation to tenancy deposit protection. You have to demonstrate to each other in writing that you have complied, if requested. If you hold a deposit, you must assign it to the Buyer or, if this is not possible, hold it on trust for the Buyer from the completion date.

18 Sales as a going concern - If the special conditions of sale state that the Lot is to be sold as a going concern, you confirm that the Legal Owner is registered for VAT and has made a VAT option that remains valid and will not be revoked before completion. If, after completion, it is found that the sale of the Lot is not a transfer of a going concern then your solicitor/conveyancer is to notify the Buyer’s solicitor/conveyancer of that finding and provide a VAT invoice in respect of the sale of the lot.

19 Capital allowances - If the special conditions state that there are capital allowances available in respect of the Lot, you must promptly supply to the Buyer all information reasonably required by the Buyer in connection with the Buyer’s claim for capital allowances. You and the Buyer agree to make an election on completion under s198 of the Capital Allowances Act 2001 to give effect to the capital allowance and to submit the value specified in the special conditions to HMRC for the purposes of your respective capital allowance computations.

20 Maintenance agreements - You must use reasonable endeavours to transfer to the Buyer, at the Buyer’s cost, the benefit of any maintenance agreements specified in the special conditions of sale.

21 TUPE - If the special conditions of sale state that TUPE doesn’t apply, this is a warranty by you that TUPE does not apply. If the special conditions of sale don’t state that TUPE doesn’t apply, you must notify the Buyer of relevant employees whose contracts of employment will transfer to the Buyer on completion not less than 14 days before completion. You and the Buyer acknowledge that pursuant to TUPE the relevant contracts of employment will transfer to the Buyer on completion.

22 Service charge - If a Lot is sold subject to tenancies that include a service charge, no apportionment is to be made at completion in respect of service charges. Within 2 months of completion you must provide to the Buyer a detailed service charge account for the current service charge year showing the service charge attributable to each tenancy, payments on account of service charge received from each tenant, any amounts outstanding, and any service charge expenditure that is not attributable to any tenancy and so is irrecoverable. If the service charge accounts show over-contributions, you must pay to the Buyer an amount equal to those over contributions. In respect of irrecoverable sums, you must pay the expenditure incurred in respect of the period before completion, and the Buyer must pay any expenditure incurred after that date.

23 Rent reviews - If the Lot is sold subject to a tenancy under which a rent review is due on or before the completion date, you may continue negotiations up to the completion date but may not agree the level of revised rent without the written consent of the Buyer. You must promptly give to the Buyer full details of rent review proceedings and carry out all reasonable measures to substitute the Buyer for yourself in the proceedings following completion. You are to bear your own costs in relation to rent review proceedings.

24 Tenancy renewals - If you receive a notice under part ii of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 (as amended) you must send a copy to the Buyer within 5 business days and act as the Buyer reasonably directs in relation to it. You are to bear your own costs in relation to tenancy renewals.

25 Warranties - If warranties are listed in the special conditions of sale, you must assign that warranty to the Buyer wherever possible or hold the warranty on trust for the Buyer.

26 Your release from covenants in leases - With regard to the Landlord and Tenant (Covenants) Act 1995, you may, up to the date of completion, serve notice on any tenant in accordance with the 1995 Act requesting a complete release from future liability under the covenants contained in any relevant tenancies. If you serve any such notice you must use reasonable endeavours to obtain that release without being obliged to apply to Court for a declaration and the Buyer agrees to provide you with the necessary information to show the tenant or the Court that it is reasonable to release you from the covenants.

27 Terms of free entry: No marketing charge or sales fee is payable by the seller providing a Reservation Fee is collected by The Auctioneer from the buyer. Should the seller accept an offer leading to an exchange of contracts, without a Reservation Fee being paid by the buyer, the seller will become liable to The Auctioneer for a fee of 3.5 % (£5,000 minimum) plus VAT (£6,000 including VAT) upon exchange of contracts. You can only sell for free under sole selling rights. NB.: Should you enter privately into a negotiation with a buyer leading to an exchange of contracts then you will be liable to pay us a fee, so we would suggest you leave the negotiations to us and you will pay no fees!!!

28. Sole Selling Rights: You will be liable to pay remuneration to us, in addition to any other costs or charges agreed, in each of the following circumstances:

28.1. If unconditional contracts for the sale of the property are exchanged in the period during which we have sole selling rights, even if the purchaser was not found by us but by another agent or by any other person, including yourself.

28.2. If unconditional contracts for the sale of the property are exchanged after the expiry of the period during which we have sole selling rights but to a purchaser who was introduced to you during that period or with whom we had negotiations about the property during that period. A purchaser may be introduced directly or indirectly as a result of our activities.

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30. Where the property is sold subject to a Reservation Fee you may cancel instructions at any point by giving us 28 days of notice in writing.

31. Withdrawing from the live auction once the catalogue has gone to print: Should a seller decide to withdraw their property from auction, The Auctioneer must be notified in writing no less than 48 hours before the auction date. A fee on withdrawal of £1,000 plus VAT (£1,200 including VAT) will be payable to The Auctioneer. The Auctioneer reserves the right to defer any property from a live auction without notice.

32. Unconditional sale - Seller’s Pack: In an unconditional sale exchange of contracts between the seller and the buyer occurs immediately on the fall of the gavel at auction (end of the countdown). Your attention is drawn to the requirement under the unconditional auction terms to provide certain legal information. This must be provided by the seller or seller’s legal representative 14 days prior to the auction, otherwise the property will not be offered at auction or will be offered under conditional auction terms and the seller must pay to The Auctioneer a withdrawal charge of £1,000 plus VAT (£1,200 including VAT).

33. Conditional sale - On the fall of the gavel auction (end of the countdown) the buyer shall pay a non-refundable reservation fee and/or deposit to us and sign the applicable sale memorandum requiring an exchange of contracts to take place within the period specified under the conditional auction terms. The seller or the seller’s legal representative must provide in advance of marketing of the property all legally required documents.

34. Sale other than by auction - We are obliged under The Estate Agents (Undesirable Practices) (No. 2) Order 1991 to notify you in writing of any offer we receive from a prospective buyer. In the event you accept an offer whether through us or otherwise and whether by private treaty or otherwise during our Sole Selling Rights period you will be liable for the full sales fee as indicated in this contract.

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38 Unsold Lots - Should a Lot remain unsold after the auction date, at the discretion, we reserve the right to terminate this agreement, or to enter the property into the next auction, or continue marketing the property for sale under these auction terms and conditions. Please note – Re-entry into the next or any subsequent auction may be subject to revision of the reserve price.


39 Cancellation Rights


39.1 If you are an individual consumer (and not a business entity) and if our contract with you is a ‘distance contract’ or an ‘off premises contract’, you have the right to cancel this Contract within 14 days of conclusion of this Contract (the ‘cancellation period’). ‘Conclusion of this contract’ means 14 days from the ‘Contract Date’, defined at the beginning of this Contract. This right exists in accordance with The Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013. Please refer to the ‘Cancellation Notice’ at clause 39.2 below for further information about your right to cancel and the conditions attached to the same.

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** If you are unsure whether cancellation rights apply to you, please contact us immediately upon receipt of these Terms of Business**.

40. Cancellation Notice

40.1 This notice is applicable to you if you are an individual acting for purposes wholly or mainly outside your trade, business, craft or profession and this contract between the firm (as the trader) and you (as the consumer) is a ‘distance contract’ or an ‘off-premises’ contract.

40.2 A ‘distance contract’ means a contract concluded between a trader and a consumer under an organised distance sales or service-provision scheme without the simultaneous physical presence of the trader and the consumer, with the exclusive use of one or more means of distance communication up to and including the time at which the contract is concluded.

40.3 An ‘off premises contract’ means a contract between a trader and a consumer which is any of these:

(a) A contract concluded in the simultaneous physical presence of the trader and the consumer, in a place which is not the business premises of the trader;

(b) A contract for which an offer was made by the consumer in the simultaneous physical presence of the trader and the consumer, in a place which is not the business premises of the trader;

(c) A contract concluded on the business premises of the trader or through any means of distance communication immediately after the consumer was personally and individually addressed in a place which is not the business premises of the trader in the simultaneous physical presence of the trader and the consumer;

(d) A contract concluded during an excursion organised by the trader with the aim or effect of promoting or selling goods or services to the consumer.

Instructions for Cancellation

Right to cancel

You have the right to cancel this contract within 14 days without giving any reason. The cancellation period will expire after 14 days from the day of the conclusion of the contract (the ‘Contract Date’ at the beginning of this contract). To exercise the right to cancel, you must inform us, websold.co.uk C/o 99 Home Ltd. at 38A Court Parade, East Lane, Wembley, Middlesex, HA0 3HS or email on cs@websold.co.uk, of your decision to cancel this contract by a clear statement (e.g. a letter sent by post or e- mail). You may use the attached ‘Cancellation Form’, but it is not obligatory.

Effects of cancellation

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We will make the reimbursement without undue delay, and not later than –

(a) 14 days after the day on which we are informed about your decision to cancel this contract.

We will make the reimbursement using the same means of payment as you used for the initial transaction, unless you have expressly agreed otherwise; in any event, you may incur fees as a result of the reimbursement.

If you requested to begin the performance of services during the cancellation period, you shall pay us an amount which is in proportion to what has been performed until you have communicated to us your cancellation from this contract, in comparison with the full coverage of the contract. i.e. You must pay us 2.4 % of the reserve price unless websold.co.uk, in its absolute discretion, agrees to give you a discount to settle the case / listing.

Explanations / Definition


* Unconditional An unconditional sale is one where, on the fall of the hammer, the purchaser is legally bound to buy and the seller is legally bound to sell the property / Lot. Contracts exchange immediately and there are 28 days to complete the sale. The purchaser shall be required to pay a reservation fee and/or deposit together with any other applicable auction fees. The conditions of sale shall be set out in the auction catalogue. Where, The Auctioneers legal team is instructed to prepare an auction seller’s pack, it remains the seller’s responsibility to ensure a pack is available 14 days prior to a live auction event.

* Unconditional Sale Outside of the Auction Where you have elected to instruct us with a view to selling outside of the auction you may authorise us to exchange contracts, on your behalf, on an unconditional basis. The unconditional auction terms will then apply. Following exchange of contracts there are 28 days to complete the sale.

* Unconditional No Sale No Fee Including Conveyancing Immediate exchange of contracts. I instruct The Auctioneer to supply a legal pack with no upfront cost. I agree that the conveyancing will be completed by the Auctioneer. On completion I agree to pay £300 plus VAT (£360 including VAT) for the legal pack and £820 plus VAT (£984 including VAT) for the conveyancing. Where the property is not domestic, I agree to pay £350 plus VAT (£420 including VAT) for the legal pack and £900 plus VAT (£1,080 including VAT) for the conveyancing.

* Unconditional Including Legal Pack Immediate exchange of contracts. I instruct The Auctioneer to supply a legal pack at an upfront charge of £199 plus VAT (£238.80 including VAT) where the property is none domestic the cost will be £255 plus VAT (£306 including VAT) the cost of the pack will be reimbursed upon completion.

* Unconditional Instructing Own Solicitor Immediate exchange of contracts. To ensure entry in an unconditional auction, your solicitor must provide (at least 14 days prior to the auction) a seller’s pack comprising: special conditions of sale (if any), an up to date Local Search, an up to Date Mining Search, replies to Standard Enquiries before contract, full Title details (to include office copy entries and filed plan/ Epitome of Abstract of Title as appropriate), Index Map Search (as appropriate), copy of any lease and/ or tenancy affecting the property and an EPC. If the documentation is not made available prior to the auction, your property can only be offered on a conditional basis or will be deferred from the auction. A fee of £1,000 plus VAT (£1,200 including VAT) will be payable to The Auctioneer

* Conditional On the fall of the hammer, the purchaser shall pay a non-refundable holding deposit together with such additional auction fees as may apply. There are 28 days to exchange contracts and an additional 28 days to complete the sale. Please note no binding contract is entered into on the fall of the hammer

* Conditional Sale Outside of the Auction

The purchaser shall pay a non-refundable holding deposit together with such additional auction fees as may apply. There are 28 days to exchange contracts and an additional 28 days to complete the sale. Please note no binding contract is entered into on the fall of the hammer

* Reservation Fee Where you have elected to enter into a contract with us on a Reservation Fee basis, on the fall of the hammer (or on an agreement for the purchase of the property outside the auction) the purchaser pays a Reservation Fee of 2.4 % of the purchase price plus VAT (subject to a minimum of £5,000 plus VAT, £6,000 including VAT) which is non-refundable and shall be retained by us as our fee in connection with the sale.

* Auction Sales Fee Including Conveyancing We can agree with you to refer your sale to a solicitor appointed by us to act on your behalf. Their fees are included in the fee that we charge you excluding disbursements.

* Energy Performance Certificate It is a legal requirement that in order to sell a property that an Energy Performance Certificate is available for the prospective purchaser. We can supply these for you, or you may supply your own.

* Selling Your Property You have elected to sell by auction. The property may be offered for online bids only; may be offered for sale at an auction; and may be offered for sale either before or after the auction (if unsold) by private treaty. The applicable auction fees will apply in any instance.

* Reserve Price The reserve price is the lowest figure you would accept for the property. This price remains blind at all times and your property cannot sell below this amount without your authorisation.

* Starting Bids This is the figure the property advertised at and is lower than the reserve price.

* The Auctioneer The phrase ‘The Auctioneer’ refers to websold.co.uk which is part of 99home Limited’s Auction Department.

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